Presentation Files

Chicago File: Money Management Panel: Van Hees

Ms. Van Hees discusses, “2005 Fixed Income Review” including a discussion of: – Fed tightening, effects on yield curve – Volatility: Dead or alive? – Fixed Income Returns – Bonds, Bernanke and baseball: boom time or boredom? Ms. Melissa Van Hees, CFA is the Director of Risk Management at BRI…

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Chicago File: Commodities Panel: Lynn

Ms. Cari Lynn discusses her experiences in writing on commodity traders, noting which characteristics the winning traders had (and correspondingly the traits which losing traders lacked.) Cari Lynn holds a Master’s in Writing from the Johns Hopkins University and specializes in writing narrative nonfiction.  Ms. Lynn’s book, “Leg the Spread,”…

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Chicago File: Commodities Panel: Till (chicago-20050929-till2.pdf by Hilary Till)

In this presentation, Hilary discusses the product design issues that one needs to take into consideration in monetizing the structural returns available in the commodity futures markets. Also, included is an article that was recently published by Commodities Now,, that was co-written by the principals of Premia Capital on…

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Chicago File: Commodities Panel: Allen

Mr. Steve Allen discusses his firm’s experience in commodity investing, including its thematic development process, sub-sector analysis, and portfolio construction techniques. Steve Allen is the Managing Member and Portfolio Manager for the Preservation Capital Fund, LP.  Preservation Capital is devoted to strategic, value-based investing in commodity-related and cyclical sectors.  Mr.…

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Chicago File: Commodities Panel: Akey

Mr. Rian Akey discusses his paper, “Commodities:  A Case for Active Management,” which has recently been accepted for publication in the Journal of Alternative Investments. Rian Akey is the Vice President and COO of Cole Partners and Cole Asset Management.  He is responsible for overseeing the firms’ research and operations. …

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Chicago File: Investing in Commodities (chicago-20050929-till.pdf by Hilary Till)

In this presentation, Hilary discusses the product design issues that one needs to take into consideration in monetizing the structural returns available in the commodity futures markets. Also, included is an article that was recently published by Commodities Now,, that was co-written by the principals of Premia Capital on…

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Chicago File: 20050217 Lindh: Risk Budgeting

Mr. Michael Lindh, Richards & Tierney, discusses: HOW TO IMPLEMENT RISK BUDGETING FOR LARGE PENSION PLANS This presentation will cover the general framework outlined by Bill Sharpe for risk budgeting as well as introduce the practical nuances that need to be considered in real-world implementations in a multi-manager setting. In…

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